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CALL Max: 508-479-9877

Inbound Agency Personal Brand Coaching

Your employees can strengthen your agency brand by strengthening their own.

People to people (P2P) is the new (B2B).

With so many inbound marketing agencies to choose from, your people become an increasingly relevant part of winning deals and keeping them. Clients want to work with superstars, and the brands of your individual employees are what make up your agency's strong foundation.

Motivating Millennials

The workforce is increasingly mobile, on average millennials stay at their jobs for just 1 year. If you don’t have a company culture that helps employees build their personal brand and develop into thought leaders – they will leave.

Find out what your employees are interested in, their passion. Figure out how that passion relates to your business and set them loose creating content and a personal brand: it will have a profound impact on their lives, and your business.

For more information call Max's direct line: 508-479-9877 or fill out the form on this page.

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