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Join us in the TapRoom
I help consultants productize their services.
The consultants I work with have simple, documented systems for selling and delivering value.
The Results
They don’t work all the time

They charge a premium so they can truly prioritize their personal lives.

They do what they do best

They’ve built systems and procedures for their ideal clients so they can 

focus on delivering value.

They delegate the rest

Their work is consistent enough to delegate many parts of sales and

delivery to specialized support roles & partners.

"A pleasure to work with."
$2,000 per month to $25,000 per month
helped me build an overflowing pipeline.
image 114

“Max productized our key strategic service offering (VCIO). He quickly communicated what we needed to hear, in a way that the team could receive. Smart guy & a pleasure to work with.”

Chris Thomas
CEO of Red Button
Group 243
“The work is difficult. I went from charging $2,000 per month to $25,000 per month and complained the whole time.”
Jeffrey Deckman
Stevie Awards’ Innovator of the Year - 21st Century Leadership
Group 241 (1)
“In a short time, Max's guidance has help me build an overflowing pipeline of work. He (and his team) have helped me prioritize, productize, and hone my offering, as well as define both my ideal customers and how to reach them.”
Gray Joyce
creative director / mentor / founder
Let’s talk about your consulting services
Group 250
What to Expect

Strategic plans & tactical resources that guide you
and your support team.


The Deliverables


1.Service Positioning (how you talk about it)
Used to narrow your focus so you can charge a premium and not have to work all the time.

2. Service Process (how you deliver it)
Standardized procedures, communications templates and deliverables to consistently deliver results.

3. Sales Process (how you sell it)
Guides overall approach, process and conversations to upsell/cross sell existing and past customers.

The Process


1. Align Business Goals with Your Personal Life (Week 1)
I’ll facilitate an alignment session to identify your greatest opportunities & challenges in your consulting practice.

2. Position & Sell the Service (Week 2)
We’ll create the sales materials to quickly secure a paid pilot engagement.

3. Build the Service (4-6 Weeks)
We’ll create procedures, communication templates and deliverables to assist your consulting team in delivering the service.

4. Expand the Service (6-9 Months)
We’ll support you to pursue new IDEAL business opportunities & grow your consulting practice.


Where do we start?

Mini-Productize Workshop (60 Min)

You bring your business plan and current services. I’ll bring new ideas, strong opinions & real stories. We’ll discover the strategic and/or financial opportunities for productizing to grow your practice and I’ll document those opportunities with actionable steps.

Let’s talk about your services
Just to make sure we’re all paying attention.
Let’s talk about your services for 30 minutes & see if a workshop is the proper place to start.
